- 2018-05-05 - The end.
- 2012-08-15 - We are (again)
- 2012-07-12 - Wassup
- 2011-03-18 - Db problem resolved (again)
- 2011-01-15 - Database problem resolved
- 2010-01-01 - Playground on facebook and twitter
- 2009-12-22 - Maintenance / updates
- 2009-12-21 - MBL resync - the holiday spirit
- 2009-11-14 - Tweaking and tweaking
- 2009-10-10 - Ready for in-game YAWning!
- 2009-09-06 - We are!
- 2008-12-21 - Maintenance downtime
- 2008-10-03 - The future... Part 2
- 2008-09-17 - The future?
- 2008-01-05 - ! Important ! Change your password(s) !
- 2007-12-16 - MBI and MBL resynced for all games
- 2007-10-08 - New game, more punkbuster guids
- 2007-06-27 - Back to Quake 4
- 2007-05-23 - Maintenance client release
- 2007-05-10 - And we keep on updating
- 2007-03-06 - Technical problems
- 2007-01-29 - New Year, New Features
- 2006-12-18 - RCON services go COD2
- 2006-12-07 - YAWn! client update available now
- 2006-12-06 - Online YAWn / Auto-YAWn disabled
- 2006-12-04 - Scheduled maintenance
- 2006-10-04 - Need public game servers
- 2006-09-18 - Maintenance
- 2006-08-02 - After the heat
- 2006-07-16 - Even more development
- 2006-07-14 - YAWn!.NET 1.2 client release
- 2006-07-08 - Banlist(s) and warnings
- 2006-07-07 - See where the action is!
- 2006-05-25 - Patches and fixes
- 2006-05-24 - YAWn! patch soon
- 2006-05-16 - Suggestions are welcome
- 2006-05-02 - Settled in
- 2006-05-01 - Hardware failure
- 2006-03-29 - Service down soon!
- 2006-03-19 - Looking for dedicated hosting
- 2006-02-08 - YAWning since 2003
- 2005-12-17 - problems
- 2005-11-27 - YAWn!.NET Version 1.1.1 is available
- 2005-11-13 - Quake 4
- 2005-11-03 - RestYle!
- 2005-10-23 - What's up ...
- 2005-10-10 - Featuring master ban list ...
- 2005-10-03 - Tips
- 2005-09-29 - Quake 4
- 2005-09-25 - Performance tweak
- 2005-09-19 - Oldskool RTCW guids returned
- 2005-09-11 - Yet another release (1.0.7)
- 2005-08-15 - YAWn!.NET 1.0.6 available
- 2005-08-13 - Update soon... and some statistics
- 2005-07-24 - [W:ET] Timeout during /guids
- 2005-07-21 - YAWn!.NET Released!
- 2005-07-16 - Valid Cdkey not reaching... (W:ET)
- 2005-06-05 - Registrations allowed and ...
- 2005-06-01 - A new home
- 2005-04-03 - YAWn might take a break ...
- 2005-02-11 - Happy Birthday YAWn!
- 2005-01-13 - Online YAWn!
- 2005-01-01 - Happy 2005!
- 2004-12-06 - *On Air*
- 2004-11-06 - Let's call it 'maintenance'
- 2004-11-02 - YAWn! The next generation...
- 2004-04-07 - Plans for 2004 :)
- 2004-02-18 - It's our Birthday!
- 2004-01-01 - Happy New Year!
- 2003-12-17 - YAWn! Linux released
- 2003-10-12 - YAWn! WEB Admin
- 2003-10-08 - 25000 unique GUIDs!
- 2003-08-29 - YAWn! Linux - testers are welcome
- 2003-07-26 - YAWn! stats edition beta released
- 2003-07-24 - 20000 GUIDs!
- 2003-07-14 - Linux users say 'oewah!'
- 2003-07-13 - 500 registered users!
- 2003-06-30 - Update
- 2003-06-25 - Bèta testers needed
- 2003-06-06 - ET guids - the sequel
- 2003-05-31 - Enemy Territory and GUIDs
- 2003-05-25 - Coming up...
- 2003-05-20 - Colors do roq
- 2003-05-02 - Keeping you updated
- 2003-04-13 - Database up and running
- 2003-04-12 - Database in search for eggs
Ready for in-game YAWning!
Oct 10, 2009 • tziek
This afternoon I’ve re-enabled the YAWn! client for the big public. Sil has been using it successfully already for a short while now; I guess it’s time to enable it for everyone (again)! (Thanks Sil!)
So start the game of your choice (Quake 3, Return to Castle Wolfenstein or Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory), and start YAWning!
Get the proper version from the downloads section.
For the game server admins among you, feel free to use the Online YAWn! feature which has been re-enabled for quite a while already.
Last but not least, I’ve been thinking about setting up something to receive donations lately. Feel free to tell us on the forum how you feel about it.
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