Valid Cdkey not reaching... (W:ET)

Jul 16, 2005 • tziek

You probably know the crappy error message “Valid Cdkey not reaching auth servers” when you want to join your teammates on the server (Enemy Territory). Well, ever since the punkbuster client/server software was made Win64 compatible (I think?) - that chaotic hour where none of us could join a pb enabled server unless it was running an old version -, we all spent 99% of our server joining time deleting our etkey to solve this issue. A week ago (around 10/07/05) I tried the following :

/pb_cdkeyverauto 1 

I didn’t remove my etkey file ever since. So happy happy joy joy, thanks punkbuster support! Now take care of the rest of my open support tickets :).

So, in order to use the soon to be released yawn software properly, fix your ET! Remove the scripts/batches/applications that delete the etkey and get ready!