- 2018-05-05 - The end.
- 2012-08-15 - We are (again)
- 2012-07-12 - Wassup
- 2011-03-18 - Db problem resolved (again)
- 2011-01-15 - Database problem resolved
- 2010-01-01 - Playground on facebook and twitter
- 2009-12-22 - Maintenance / updates
- 2009-12-21 - MBL resync - the holiday spirit
- 2009-11-14 - Tweaking and tweaking
- 2009-10-10 - Ready for in-game YAWning!
- 2009-09-06 - We are!
- 2008-12-21 - Maintenance downtime
- 2008-10-03 - The future... Part 2
- 2008-09-17 - The future?
- 2008-01-05 - ! Important ! Change your password(s) !
- 2007-12-16 - MBI and MBL resynced for all games
- 2007-10-08 - New game, more punkbuster guids
- 2007-06-27 - Back to Quake 4
- 2007-05-23 - Maintenance client release
- 2007-05-10 - And we keep on updating
- 2007-03-06 - Technical problems
- 2007-01-29 - New Year, New Features
- 2006-12-18 - RCON services go COD2
- 2006-12-07 - YAWn! client update available now
- 2006-12-06 - Online YAWn / Auto-YAWn disabled
- 2006-12-04 - Scheduled maintenance
- 2006-10-04 - Need public game servers
- 2006-09-18 - Maintenance
- 2006-08-02 - After the heat
- 2006-07-16 - Even more development
- 2006-07-14 - YAWn!.NET 1.2 client release
- 2006-07-08 - Banlist(s) and warnings
- 2006-07-07 - See where the action is!
- 2006-05-25 - Patches and fixes
- 2006-05-24 - YAWn! patch soon
- 2006-05-16 - Suggestions are welcome
- 2006-05-02 - Settled in
- 2006-05-01 - Hardware failure
- 2006-03-29 - Service down soon!
- 2006-03-19 - Looking for dedicated hosting
- 2006-02-08 - YAWning since 2003
- 2005-12-17 - problems
- 2005-11-27 - YAWn!.NET Version 1.1.1 is available
- 2005-11-13 - Quake 4
- 2005-11-03 - RestYle!
- 2005-10-23 - What's up ...
- 2005-10-10 - Featuring master ban list ...
- 2005-10-03 - Tips
- 2005-09-29 - Quake 4
- 2005-09-25 - Performance tweak
- 2005-09-19 - Oldskool RTCW guids returned
- 2005-09-11 - Yet another release (1.0.7)
- 2005-08-15 - YAWn!.NET 1.0.6 available
- 2005-08-13 - Update soon... and some statistics
- 2005-07-24 - [W:ET] Timeout during /guids
- 2005-07-21 - YAWn!.NET Released!
- 2005-07-16 - Valid Cdkey not reaching... (W:ET)
- 2005-06-05 - Registrations allowed and ...
- 2005-06-01 - A new home
- 2005-04-03 - YAWn might take a break ...
- 2005-02-11 - Happy Birthday YAWn!
- 2005-01-13 - Online YAWn!
- 2005-01-01 - Happy 2005!
- 2004-12-06 - *On Air*
- 2004-11-06 - Let's call it 'maintenance'
- 2004-11-02 - YAWn! The next generation...
- 2004-04-07 - Plans for 2004 :)
- 2004-02-18 - It's our Birthday!
- 2004-01-01 - Happy New Year!
- 2003-12-17 - YAWn! Linux released
- 2003-10-12 - YAWn! WEB Admin
- 2003-10-08 - 25000 unique GUIDs!
- 2003-08-29 - YAWn! Linux - testers are welcome
- 2003-07-26 - YAWn! stats edition beta released
- 2003-07-24 - 20000 GUIDs!
- 2003-07-14 - Linux users say 'oewah!'
- 2003-07-13 - 500 registered users!
- 2003-06-30 - Update
- 2003-06-25 - Bèta testers needed
- 2003-06-06 - ET guids - the sequel
- 2003-05-31 - Enemy Territory and GUIDs
- 2003-05-25 - Coming up...
- 2003-05-20 - Colors do roq
- 2003-05-02 - Keeping you updated
- 2003-04-13 - Database up and running
- 2003-04-12 - Database in search for eggs
Oct 3, 2005 • tziek
Yesterday a quickfix for version 1.0.7 was released. The previous released 1.0.7 version reported to the server as being 1.0.6. Downloadable version now is
On a side note and for your interest; reports and activitylogs can be accessed using the More … hyperlink in the activity section on your right. It shows general as well as game specific activity.
Last but not least, a tip for the enemy territory users. To see who’s (yawn-)registered on the server, you can use the following bind:
/bind k echo [skipnotify]/yawn both
To switch back to the etproguidonly mode, use this bind:
/bind j echo [skipnotify]/yawn etproguidonly
For games other than ET these extra arguments are useless. The “feature” is available in all versions, but was never documented. So here you go.
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